Warriors Fanon Wiki

Character belongs to Sierra. Coding by Element.

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Creator Sierra
Infobox Aritist Sierra
Current Affilation WindClan
Past Affiliation WindClan
Gender Male
Age 25 moons
Orientation Stright
Kit Bloodkit
Apprentice Bloodpaw
Warrior Bloodheart
Mother Bluefeather
Father Ravenwing
Sisters Fallsting, Springjump, OPEN
Brothers Strongpaw (deceased), Stormwing, OPEN
Mate Birchecho
Daughters Ravenpaw, Flamepaw
Sons Sunpaw, Leappaw
Mentor Bluefeather
Apprentices Eaglefur, Dawnheart (deceased), Sunpaw
Quote "I am marked by StarClan?"

"So I'm marked by StarClan?"

A P P E A R A N C E[]

Bloodheart has the build of a American Shorthair cat but is clearly crossbred.

Bloodhearts fur is as white as frost, and also is very silky when touched, often has splashes of mud, dirt, or other rubbish mixed into his fur.

Bloodheart's nose is black, like night, and has no other colors mixed in like other cats in his clan who have pink/black colored snouts.

The insides of his ears are pink and slowly blend into white like his fur. The fur that grows on his chest and under his stomach is a light tan color that goes well with his fur and blends in with it like his ears.

His good eye, or the one that works, has a dark green iris and a black pupil. His other eye is milky green with a milky gray color for the pupil, as a result of his scar.

Bloodheart’s signature trait is a scar that runs from his ear, over his right eye, and over his snout, ending on the other side of his face, he was born with it. As others say, he has a sign from StarClan marking him.

"Oh, I love you so much Birchecho!"

P E R S O N A L I T Y[]

Though his name points to him being cruel and blood-craving, he is really very kind.

"My history is painful"

H I S T O R Y[]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse leo nunc, finibus vel lacus a, hendrerit tincidunt tortor. Phasellus nec neque eget dolor interdum ultrices. Vivamus fringilla ultricies turpis eu pulvinar. Sed quis efficitur tortor. Phasellus id diTam a orci semper imperdiet. Morbi semper vel ex vel ultrices. Phasellus volutpat enim non mi semper, sit amet convallis nulla iaculis. Morbi posuere blandit nisl. In elit quam, sollicitudin id dictum non, tempor vitae nulla. Vestibulum a urna efficitur, pulvinar purus id, ullamcorper elit. In fringilla lectus convallis varius volutpat.

"There are a couple things about me you don't know"


T R I V I A[]

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

"Feel free to add art!"

G A L L E R Y[]

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Infobox by Sierra

